Event Category: New Students

Join GLS for a guided tour of the Toronto Reference Library! We will learn about the services and resources available at the library and across the Toronto Public Library (TPL) system. Register: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=gcLuqKOqrk2sm5o5i5IV5_uRCNhQxaFPm4GPTFDGWqRUMU9FNkJGUFpYM0xaTTdaQUE2N0c5M1VHNCQlQCNjPTEu&route=shorturl


New international students: OGS Canada invites you to learn more about the team, services, and maintaining your immigration status in Canada while studying. Register: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/93c5ee5a-5abf-4049-b147-2b78c53302eb@a8eec281-aaa3-4dae-ac9b-9a398b9215e7


Join us for the first Global Village of this term! Let’s hear about these stories from our peers and discover how travel can be both educational and life-changing. Register: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=gcLuqKOqrk2sm5o5i5IV5_uRCNhQxaFPm4GPTFDGWqRUNzdSMDVYWkVYN0xNQVVaMEU5SzlGMEZNWiQlQCNjPTEu&route=shorturl
